

As students progress through the school, they increasingly seek and value the advice of their teachers. This help will be forthcoming on numerous occasions and in a variety of forms, but it is when faced with the choice of subjects, of courses and careers that a student will most need the wisdom, guidance and personal concern of specialists. The Counselling Cell, that invites experts, empowers the students to make informed choices and includes the following:

  • Testing for areas of interest and aptitude.
  • Personalised counselling.
  • Subject selection process.
  • Applying to colleges in India and Abroad.
  • Writing Common Application Essay.
  • Preparing for SAT and other Examinations.
  • Career options in India and Abroad.
Counselling sessions are also held for parents apprising them of their child’s aptitude and also bringing them up-to-date on the availability of new choices and options.
