CHICKAR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is the realisation of the dream of a great visionary, Shri Puran Lal Chickar.

Migrating to Bareilly as a young man along with his parents and siblings from Bannu (now in Pakistan) in 1947, Shri Puran Lal Chickar faced many hardships before establishing a successful business venture. 

Being a person of unflinching moral strength who had the courage, irrespective of the consequences, always to choose the right over the wrong, Shri Puran Lal Chickar was anguished by the erosion in the value system of society. He wished to somehow help bring back the ethics and values that give any society its strength of character. 

Shri Chickar strongly believed that women are the backbone of any society and often said,"nature having bestowed upon them the blessing of motherhood, women play a dominant part in the raising and character building of their children to grow up to be right thinking, responsible members of society".

Shri Chickar wished to start a school which would facilitate the all round development of students, particularly girls from the Bannuwal Biradari and Punjabis, educating and empowering them with learning skills that would mould them into responsible parents and citizens, leaving their mark in the fields of science and technology, medicine, business, arts etc. Unfortunately, Shri Chickar passed away in November 2004, before he could transform his vision into reality. 

Rajesh and Vinny Chickar, the two sons of Shri. Puran Lal Chickar, took it upon themselves to give concrete shape to their revered Father's vision. CHICKAR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL provides education conforming to international standards as also helping to preserve and promote the culture and customs of the Bannuwal Biradari and Punjabis is their tribute to Late Shri. Puran Lal Chickar. Joining them in this endeavour are Vishesh Chickar and Vidhi Chickar, the grandchildren of Late Shri. Puran Lal Chickar.
