Summer Time

Sr No. Class School In Time School Out Time
1 Pre-Primary 08:30 am 12:20 pm
2 Classes I-XII 07:20 am 01:40 pm

Winter Time

Sr No. Class School In Time School Out Time
1 Pre-Primary 09:10 am 01:00 pm
2 Classes I-XII 08:00 am 02:20 pm
  • Notes:
  • School for Pre-Nursery to Class II will be from Monday- Friday.
  • School will be closed on 2nd & 4th Saturday of every month.
  • School timings are subject to change with prior notice.

Parents and Guardians may meet the Principal on any working day Summers - 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM & Winters - 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM or by prior appointment only.


Parents and Guardians may meet the teachers on working Saturdays by prior appointment. In case of urgency, parents/guardians may meet the Principal during the Principals' meeting hours.


  • Students must be regular and punctual in attendance.

  • Students, who come to school on their own, must arrive 5 minutes before the bell rings for Assembly.

  • Children are required to speak in English in the school premises.

  • The school diary must be brought to school daily. Parents are requested to check the diary daily.

  • Facility of school transport is optional, provided on payment and subject to availability of seats. School transport is available on specific routes only.

  • Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence, habitual late coming, disobedience, or objectionable behavior of any kind may result in removal of child from the school.

  • The principal's prior permission for leave of absence from school is essential.

  • Books other than text books, reference books or library books and magazines, brought to the School without permission are liable to be confiscated.

  • Parents and guardians are requested to notify the school of any change in address or telephone numbers.

  • Your child will be continuously assessed on both academic and co-curricular activities. Irregular attendance will affect her performance and achievement record.

  • School for Pre-Nursery, to class II will be from Monday - Friday. School will be closed on 2nd & 4th Saturday of every month.

  • Students are not allowed to use the school telephone without the permission of the front office in charge/ receptionist. They will not be called to answer telephone calls during class hours.

  • Name, class, section must be clearly marked on all the belongings of every student. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of belongings of students.

  • The students must come to school in prescribed uniform. Neatness in dress, cleanliness and discipline should be encouraged by the parents.

  • There is no provision of half day leave. Once the child is in school, she will not be permitted to go before the departure time.

  • All students are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and poise; to be polite and courteous to their teachers and elders and cooperate with their fellow students.

  • Students are expected to share the responsibility of upholding the dignity of the school.

  • Students are expected to greet all visitors and members of the staff with respect.

  • Students are not allowed to bring Mobile Phones to school.



In case of withdrawal from the school, the following rules will apply:
In case any child has to be withdrawn from the school mid-session, the parent must apply in writing one month prior to the beginning of the next quarter, failing which the fee for the next quarter will be charged in full and if the same is not paid the amount will be adjusted against the caution money (if applicable). Annual charges once paid will not be refunded or adjusted against Tuition/Bus fee dues. In case of withdrawal, no request for proportionate refund of Annual charges or tuition / Bus fee will be considered or any adjustment allowed. T.C. will be issued only after all dues are settled.
Students must be regular and punctual in coming to the school. In case of continuous absence for more than 10 days without permission, the student's name is liable to be struck off the rolls.


Care should be taken to keep the school clean at all times. Litter must be put in the dustbins provided.
School property must be taken care of. Students must not scratch or scribble on walls, desks, boards or chairs or damage any school furniture. Damage done even by accident, must be reported at once to the class teacher. Any action leading to such damage will invoke heavy penalty.


Students must be regular and punctual in their attendance. They must obtain prior permission from the Principal for not attending their classes. All applications for leave must be signed by the parents. Application for medical leave must be supported by an authentic Medical Certificate. Minimum 90% attendance in an academic year is compulsory for all students to be eligible for final assessment. Students whose attendance is short will not be eligible for any certificates/awards/ academic prizes.
Notes:  Any student suffering from any contagious or infectious disease shall not be permitted to attend school till she brings a certificate of fitness.


“It is compulsory for all students to wear the prescribed school uniform. Students who do not conform to the dress regulation will not be permitted to attend classes and may also be sent home.”